Blue Sky Disney’s Animal Kingdom: Episode 32

Host – Aaron Rittmaster
Panel – Eric Anderson; Paul Hajjar; Nathan Trent

In Episode 32, the DISDads panel completed our wishful thinking look at the future of the Walt Disney World theme parks. The panel suggested Disney’s Animal Kingdom attractions that have run their course and are ripe for removal. Next, we addressed attractions in need of major overhauls. We took a break so that Nathan Trent could take a long-overdue turn on the hot seat for 10 Questions. And nally, we discussed new attractions that would help bring Disney’s Animal Kingdom forward into the future.

Special thanks to our Producer/Engineer Josh Haas, who also created and recorded our intro music. The DIS Dads Podcast is edited and produced by Josh Haas/Wizard of Haas Production.

We’d love to hear your comments about the podcast – Email us at; tweet us at DisDadsPodcast on Twitter or leave us a review on iTunes.

Blue Sky Disney’s Hollywood Studios: Episode 30

Host – Aaron Rittmaster
Panel – Dave Compton; Jason Knox; David Juart; Matthew Wrenn

In Episode 30, the DISDads panel continued our wishful thinking look at the future of the Walt Disney World theme parks. The panel suggested DHS attractions that had run their course and are ripe for removal. Next, we addressed attractions in need of major overhauls. We took a break so that Matthew Wrenn could take the hot seat for 10 Questions. And nally, we discussed new attractions that would help bring DHS forward into the future.

Special thanks to our Producer/Engineer Josh Haas, who also created and recorded our intro music. The DIS Dads Podcast is edited and produced by Josh Haas/Wizard of Haas Production.

We’d love to hear your comments about the podcast – Email us at; tweet us at DisDadsPodcast on Twitter or leave us a review on iTunes.

Blue Sky Epcot: Episode 29

Host – Aaron Rittmaster
Panel – Dave Compton; Jason Knox; Nathan Trent

In Episode 29, the DISDads panel continued our wishful thinking look at the future of the Walt Disney World theme parks. The panel suggested Epcot attractions that had run their course and are ripe for removal. Next, we addressed attractions in need of major overhauls. Finally, we discuss new attractions that would help bring Epcot forward into the future.

Special thanks to our Producer/Engineer Josh Haas, who also created and recorded our intro music. The DIS Dads Podcast is edited and produced by Josh Haas/Wizard of Haas Production.

We’d love to hear your comments about the podcast – Email us at; tweet us at DisDadsPodcast on Twitter or leave us a review on iTunes.

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